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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What dates does Tōku Ara run?
    The Rangipo (boys) program runs from mid March- Easter. The Ruawahine (girls) program runs from the end of April - mid May. Each program is 26 days. The programs will alternate year by year, starting 2024 so that all students get to experience the summer and autumn conditions.
  • How do I communicate with my child?
    Your child will have time put aside each week for writing letters home to you about their experiences. It is very important that time is taken to respond to these letters in writing. Please reply promptly as we know your child will be looking forward to receiving letters from family. All mail will be delivered to the WAS office. We will communicate through a facebook messenger private group to let you know when we deliver letters to the school office.
  • Can parents visit?
    Due to the kaupapa of Tōku Ara we hold a mihi whakatau (A traditional formal Māori welcome) for parents and whānau at the beginning of the program and a Graduation on the last day to celebrate your child's journey.
  • What about food?
    Menus and some daily meals are prepared by the Tōku Ara cooks and individual special diets are catered for.
  • What are the sleeping/living arrangements?
    Students are responsible for their own dorms, they assist with the kitchen, handle general chores around campus, do their own laundry, and clean the bathrooms.
  • What is the cost for Tōku Ara and what does this cover?
    The cost for the program is $1200. This covers accommodation and food costs. The rest of the costs which cover; staffing, equipment, and resources, are covered by the school and additional funding from outside sources. We've worked hard to keep the price as low as possible so that all students have the opportunity to attend
  • What if I have further questions?
    If you have further questions that have not been answered you can contact us on the form here and we will get back to you.
  • What if my child does not attend?
    They must attend school as usual and join in with the other cohort of year 10 students.
  • Does every year 10 student have to attend Tōku Ara?
    Tōku Ara is a localised residential curriculum, designed for year ten students, it is optional to attend but we highly encourage every year 10 to participate.
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